

Chief Financial Officer - Elizabeth Pigliacelli
Click here to email 
Phone: 856-854-0720 x126

Accounts Payable Clerk - Carol Staszewski
Phone: 856-854-0720 x129

The Finance Department is responsible for the financial affairs of the Borough including budget preparation and control, financial accounting, cash flow management, debt financing, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. Maintenance of all financial records is another function, including the monthly reconciliation of all bank accounts, preparing and maintaining grant programs.

2021 Municipal Budget
The municipal budget is adopted each year in accordance with New Jersey State Law and both drafts and final budgets are posted for public viewing. 

•January 4, 2021 –Commission adopts temporary budget based on the prior year final budget
(restricted to 26.25% of prior year)
•March 1, 2021 Permanent Budget is introduced to the public at Commission Meeting
•Following the introduction, the Borough posts the Budget on the Borough website and advertises in a local newspaper to allow for public review and comment
• A minimum of 28 days is required before the public hearing and adoption of the final budget
• April 5, 2021 –Public hearing and Commission votes on the ordinance to adopt the final budget 

You can learn more about the budget and the schedule by viewing the 
2021 Budget Presentation
Click here to view the 2021 Budget as adopted at the April 5, 2021 Commission Meeting